67 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Papuan Students’ Interest in Learning Moi Language using KMOIS Application (Indonesian Moi Dictionary) at Information Technology Education Major

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    This study aims to determine the interest in learning the MOI language of information technology education students using the KMOIS application (Indonesian Dictionary Moi). This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out using interview, observation and documentation techniques. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the interest in learning the Moi language of information technology education students from Papua was influenced by the difficulty of getting books about the Moi language and students thought that learning the Moi language was very difficult, so using the KMOIS application (Indonesian Dictionary of Moi) was very helpful in increasing students' interest in learning from Papua in learning the Moi languag

    ENGLISH IN INDONESIAN ISLAMIC HIGHER EDUCATION: Examining The Relationship between Performance in The Yes/No Test and Reading Skills

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    This study examines the relationship between performance in the Yes/No test of English recognition vocabulary and reading skills in Indonesian Islamic learners of English as a foreign language (EFL). Participants in the study were 83 Indonesian undergraduate students, comprising an Advanced group (n=41) and Intermediate group (n=42) of EFL learners enrolled in the English department at the State Islamic University (UIN) of Malang, Indonesia. All participants completed both tests. The results reveal that the hits accuracy performance between the Advanced EFL group and the Intermediate EFL group was statistically significant, indicating that Yes/No test performance, in context of hits accuracy, did discriminate between levels of English proficiency. However, the differences disappeared with corrected scores since both groups indicated a high false alarm rate. In addition, this study also reveals that there was no evidence of a relationship between Yes/No performance and reading scores. Several pedagogical implications for EFL language teachers are discussed

    Developing Reading Literacy through Parent–Teacher Partnership Program in Indonesian Primary Schools

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    The purpose of this paper was to explore the reading literacy programs of Indonesian primary schools and examine the parent–teacher collaborations in dealing with the students’ reading literacy development in Bahasa Indonesia. Eight teachers with an average of five-year teaching experience from two primary schools and forty-six parents of four-grade students were interviewed to investigate the reading literacy practices and parent–teacher collaborations. The study revealed that the reading literacy practices in the investigated classroom or at school levels include 15-minute reading before the lesson, story-sharing, book content rewriting, and book summary writing. Book swap or book exchange program, classroom mini library, and weekly library visit some activities used to facilitate the students’ reading development. Regarding the parent–teacher partnership in facilitating or monitoring students’ reading literacy development, parent–teacher conferences (where teachers and parents discussed issues regarding students’ behaviour, progress and achievement), parenting and literacy workshops and outreach activities were conducted. In addition, parent–teacher communication books and parent–teacher online social media groups were also found to be effective and efficient in monitoring and developing students’ reading literacy. All teachers generally agreed that active parental support towards children’s education brought about children’s academic achievement. Some challenges in literacy development and their pedagogical implication at the primary education level were also discussed. Keywords: reading literacy, reading development, parent-teacher partnershi


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    Sentence-level grammar skills are of the important foundations in the mastery of reading skills in second language (L2). Previous studies showed inconclusive findings about the effect of grammar knowledge on L2 reading. This study examines the relationship between L2 reading outcomes and reader-based grammar knowledge as it is moderated by text-based features of vocabulary difficulty. Participants were EFL students (n = 71) in the second year of their English major at an Indonesian university. The participants’ grammar knowledge was measured using a test of sentence-level grammatical knowledge. Text-based vocabulary difficulty was assessed using VocabProfile software (Cobb, 2010). During the data collection period, the participants completed four reading texts, each reflecting a unique combination of two levels (high vs. low) of lexical frequency. This study reveals that reader grammar knowledge influenced L2 reading outcomes. It also shows that text vocabulary difficulty significantly moderated the relationship between reader grammatical knowledge and L2 reading, indicating that the relationship between grammar knowledge and L2 reading for high lexical frequency texts was significantly greater than for low lexical frequency texts

    English in Indonesian Islamic Higher Education: Examining the Relationship Between Performance in the Yes/no Test and Reading Skills

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    This study examines the relationship between performance in the Yes/No test of English recognition vocabulary and reading skills in Indonesian Islamic learners of English as a foreign language (EFL). Participants in the study were 83 Indonesian undergraduate students, comprising an Advanced group (n=41) and Intermediate group (n=42) of EFL learners enrolled in the English department at the State Islamic University (UIN) of Malang, Indonesia. All participants completed both tests. The results reveal that the hits accuracy performance between the Advanced EFL group and the Intermediate EFL group was statistically significant, indicating that Yes/No test performance, in context of hits accuracy, did discriminate between levels of English proficiency. However, the differences disappeared with corrected scores since both groups indicated a high false alarm rate. In addition, this study also reveals that there was no evidence of a relationship between Yes/No performance and reading scores. Several pedagogical implications for EFL language teachers are discussed

    Examining the Motivation to Read and Its Relationship to Second Language Reading Proficiency in an Indonesian EFL Tertiary Context

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate and describe the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations of tertiary-level EFL students in Indonesia toward reading English. The quantitative method was applied by asking students majoring in English at Brawijaya University to fill out a questionnaire adapted from Wigfield and Guthrie's Motivation for Reading Questionnaire (MRQ) (1997). The questionnaire was administered to students from 2018 generations to 2020 generations. Besides that, students’ self-assessment reading value used to measure students’ reading proficiency. In addition, this study also examined the correlation between students' reading motivation and their reading ability. The data collected were analyzed using the SPSS program with descriptive statistics to answer research question 1 and Pearson correlation analysis to answer research question 2. The results indicated that students are relative highly extrinsic motivated in reading English. Meanwhile, intrinsic motivation was found to have a significant correlation and extrinsic motivation was found to have a negative correlation with students' reading. Based on these findings, lecturers are expected to increase students' intrinsic motivation to read

    Translanguaging Practices in Tertiary Context EFL Classrooms in Indonesia

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    The phenomenon of code-switching, or translanguaging, has evolved within the field of linguistics, particularly in the context of bilingualism. Researchers have explored the use of the first language (L1) in second language (L2) classrooms from various perspective. This study explores students’ attitudes toward using L1 in EFL classrooms and its relationship with translanguaging characteristics, frequency, and factors including proficiency levels and gender. Based on Poplack’s (1980) theory, the study examines how highly language proficient bilinguals engage in translanguaging. This study involves 49 participants from an Indonesian EFL program using a survey-based research design. Data collection methods encompass Likert Scale surveys and open-ended questionnaires. The result reveals that students had positive attitudes toward translanguaging, considering it a natural practice for bilinguals that should be allowed in L2 classrooms. However, the study found that the students showing neutral perceptions that the practice of translanguaging did indicate the students’ lack of linguistics proficiency and gender. This led to the meaning that the statements were true without being influenced with the participants' subjectivity. This study also proves the hypothesis which stated that bilinguals who are highly proficient in both languages (L1 and L2) are generally better at translanguaging.Keywords: EFL classroom; translanguaging; correlation; L1; L2

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran TIK Menggunakan Aplikasi Canva Berbasis Video

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    The purpose of this research is to produce ICT learning media using the video-based Canva application. This type of research is research using the ADDIE development model. the first analyzes the characteristics of students and learning media, the second designs or designs in advance what media is suitable for use, prepares materials and things that support the media to be developed, the third develops media that has been designed or designed as much or as attractive as possible, the fourth is testing the developed media to students, the last is evaluating the developed media. The validity of learning media using the Canva application is seen from the assessment of the two validators, namely media and material experts. Based on the results of the assessment of the two validators, an average score of 90.5% was obtained in the very good or valid category. The effectiveness of the learning media using the Canva application can be seen from the results of the student's response questionnaire to the learning media. Based on the test results of class VII A student respondents, an average score of 92.9% was obtained for small groups and 92.7% for large groups with very effective categories, meaning that learning media using the Canva application was effective or successfully developed in learning, especially on the role and impact of information and communication technology in class VII A SMP Negeri 2 Fakfa

    Implementasi Akuntansi Lingkungan (Environmenal Accounting) sebagai Upaya Penanggulangan Limbah (Studi pada PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XIV)

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    Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah perusahaan dalam mengakui biaya lingkungan dimasukkan sebagai komponen biaya produksi dengan pertimbangan bahwa limbah timbul sebagai akibat dari proses produksi. Perusahaan dalam mengukur dan menilai biaya lingkungan sebesar kos yang dikeluarkan (Historical Cost) dan disajikan bersama-sama dengan biaya-biaya yang sejenis dalam laporan keuangan dan informasi mengenai biaya lingkungan diungkapkan dalam catatan atas laporan keuangan perusahaan

    Sosial budaya yang berpengaruh Terhadap Minat Membaca Mahasiswa Unmer Malang

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     AbstractThis study analyzes socio-cultural factors on the literacy ability of reading students at the Merdeka University of Malang. The purpose of this research is to examine the socio-cultural aspects that also influence students' reading interest and reading ability. The approach in this study is qualitative. The qualitative approach is used to answer the third objective in the form of descriptive socio- cultural factors. Participants in this study were 53 students of Merdeka Malang University. Data was collected from the results of the UKBI test and reading interest questionnaire and socio-cultural factors for students. Socio-cultural factors that affect student literacy are literacy culture and reading interest developed from childhood at the family, environment, school and government institutions. The ability to read literacy must look at the whole, from the aspects that exist in the reader and outside factors. Socio-cultural factors that influence the reading literacy of students include socioeconomic factors of the family, the level of parental education, financial position, the role of the government in promoting reading literacy, supporting book supply facilities. This research shows that reading ability is related to knowledge of sentence structure. The better the students' reading skills, the better the reading test scores. However, the factors that contribute to literacy beyond the knowledge of sentence structure need to be studied in further research.Keywords: Reading Literacy, Reading Interest, Social Factors  AbstrakPenelitian ini menganalisis tentang faktor sosial budaya terhadap kemampuan literasi membaca mahasiswa Universitas Merdeka Malang. Tujuan penelitan ini adalah mengkaji aspek sosial budaya yang turut mempengaruhi minat baca dan kemampuan membaca mahasiswa. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif. Adapun pendekatan kualitatif digunakan untuk menjawab tujuan ketiga berupa deskriptif faktor sosial budaya. Partisipan dalam penelitian iniadalah mahasiswa Universitas Merdeka Malang yang berjumlah sebanyak 53 mahasiswa. Data dikumpulkan dari hasil test UKBI dan angket minat baca dan faktor sosial budaya untuk mahasiswa. Faktor sosial budaya yang berpengaruh pada literasi membaca mahasiswa adalah budaya literasi dan minat baca yang dikembangkan dari masa kecil di tingkat keluarga, lingkungan, sekolah dan institusi pemerintahan. Kemampuan literasi membaca haruslah melihat secara menyeluruh, dari aspek yang ada pada diri pembaca dan faktor yang diluarnya. Faktor sosial budaya yang berpengaruh pada literasi membaca mahasiswa meliputi faktor sosial ekonomi keluarga, tingkat pendidikan orangtua, posisi finansial, peran pemerintah dalam menggalakkan literasi membaca, fasilitas pasokan buku yang menunjang. Penelitian ini menunjukkan faktor yangberkontribusi terhadap literasi membaca di luar faktor pengetahuan struktur kalimat perlu dikaji lebih dalam pada penelitian selanjutnya.Kata Kunci: Literasi Membaca, Minat Baca, Faktor Sosia
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